
【Mazda 理念】The Way Mazda Builds Mazda

Mazda USA 最新上載內容不錯的短片,值得一看!

What Do You Drive

有興趣深究 Mazda 造車理念和精神,可瀏覽 "mazdausa" 一系列 "The Mazda Story" 短片,雖是日語,但附有英文字幕。

The Challengers

總覺 Mazda 多少有點像 Apple Inc.,同樣以 user experience 為本作為設計理念基礎,產品很有自家風格和個性。Apple 過往曾有個經典口號 "Think Different",Mazda 今天也有類似口號 "We'll always do things differently"。

以下精髓文字摘自部份 "The Mazda Story" 短片系列內:

- We could just do what everyone else does…business as usual…but that's not how we think at Mazda. We're a different breed.

- A car should always be something the driver can trust. That's what we believe.

- We strive to create cars that are more than just a form of transportation. That's where Mazda wants to focus our efforts.

- Mazda cars are meticulously well thought-through. They have the driver's needs at heart.

- Mazda cars aren't just about performance numbers. They are wonderful to drive.

- Some may define cars as mere industrial products. But in my view, they are more than that. They show the hearts and souls of the people who make them.

- No one will choose a Mazda if we just make cars that are just good enough.

- People buy Mazda because they love driving, and they like the way we build our cars. That's what sets us apart from other carmakers.